Freiheitsindex 2023

Freiheitsindex 2023

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Global Agenda Index 2018

The UNAI and Media Tenor have partnered to develop a Global Agenda Index that goes beyond conceptions of nationally-based analysis to map and evaluate those global environmental issues that matter. By adding applied agenda setting theory to the current standard, we are able to challenge existing “truths” and paradigms which are limited  by nationalistic perspectives. Through ongoing international media analysis and leading analyst quotations, a more global perspective is considered in order to create a more robust future scenario and identify the impact of gamechangers in the arenas of both, politics and business. In this new approach, the opinions about our future from 200 heads of state, parliaments, top CEOs, university presidents, and media leaders have been collected. Leaders had the opportunity to not only vocalize their expectations for the next five and ten years, but to also see how these opinions interact with the agenda of the mass media. In the future, we will also include the results of the Global Youth Poll on a quarterly basis.

Download the Global Agenda Index 2018

Grafik der Woche

20-jähriges Jubiläum

