Freiheitsindex 2023

Freiheitsindex 2023

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Global Youth Poll 2018

The September 2015 agreement on Sustainable Development Goals requires all states to implement the17 SDGs by 2030. By then, the next generation will be starting to takeover from today’s leaders – but no one yet knows how the next generation is thinking about these “global goals.” Therefore, the General Director of the UN in Geneva, Michael Moller, has invited leaders from the largest youth organizations to meet at the Palais des Nations with the head of the International Parliamentary Union, the representatives of the United Indigenous Nations, experts from the World Association of Public Opinion Scholars and the Global Sustainability Index Institute Foundation to develop a feasible concept reaching out to the next generation on a regular basis to ensure that their opinion and experience become transparent and are heard by the current leaders of the world.

Download the Global Youth Poll 2018

Grafik der Woche

20-jähriges Jubiläum

